Sunday, 26 October 2014

Day 7, Interleukin 2 treatments

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Kevin started his interleukin 2 treatments on the 20th, they ended on the 24th.  He still has a cough, and some mild wheezing.  The wheezing seems to be mostly when he lies down.  His skin itches, but it isn't bad enough to take anything for it.  He's been nauseated, so he took some anti-nausea meds which worked.  His mouth hurts a lot from the sores, and he isn't really hungry.  He eats a little and very soft food.  He's still very tired and getting a bit cranky about it all.  I think he just wishes he was better, but IL-2 takes a lot out of you.

I will keep updating everyone until he is back to himself.  I am writing this blog so others will know what to expect.  Although, everyone is different, I think these side effects hit most people.  Feel free to read the other blogs about the day by day side effects and everything he went through.

I also wanted to say that the Nurses at Duke University Hospital in Durham, on the 9100 level, were pretty amazing.  I am sure the other nurses are amazing too.  They were fast, caring, courteous and didn't mind at all if you asked questions.  I have been in hospitals before where the nurses and doctors got annoyed for asking questions.  That is not the case here, they encourage it.

Thanks for reading  :)

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